Spiritual Therapy
Feeling lost and empty? Soul recovery and spiritual counseling can help.
As a licensed therapist based in Oakland, California, I provide psycho-spiritual depth psychotherapy for deep transformation.
No matter what your particular belief system, faith in something eternal can be profoundly healing. Children often have this deeper sense of connection, unity and wonder, and we often lose touch with this as we become disillusioned by life’s hardships. Perhaps you’ve had an experience, or a recent health diagnosis that has forced you to confront your own mortality. This can lead to existential distress and/or death anxiety.
As we experience life’s hardships and traumas, confront death and loss, or feel shamed and unloved as human beings, this pain can create a type of soul loss. As a protective mechanism from hurt and vulnerability, we disconnect from the most precious part of ourselves and hide it far away - perhaps even from ourselves. Soul loss can result in a chronic sense of meaninglessness, purposelessness, or dread.
Psycho-spiritual depth therapy can support you in better understanding the ways you disconnected from your most precious self, and why. You can then face your fears, re-claim your soul, experience your intrinsic wholeness, and live from a place of truly knowing and loving yourself.
If you are spiritually inclined, confused, lost, or want to rediscover the most sacred part of yourself; I can help.
A Place for Spiritual Seekers Anywhere in California
Mystics, Healers, Meditators, Psychedelic Explorers
Many people report having had spontaneous spiritual experiences at some point in their lives. Perhaps you had certain spiritual gifts or experiences as a child. Later in life, maybe meditation, yoga, major life event, sexual experience, confrontation with your own or another’s death, or substance use catalyzed a profound spiritual opening. Your spiritual openness may have always been there; or it may just seem to have come out of the blue. These experiences can be overwhelming, blissful, scary, isolating, confusing and quite difficult to communicate, explain or understand. Spiritual experiences are all too often dismissed or pathologized by medical professionals, leaving people without support around what could be a positive life-changing transformation.
Spiritual Emergency or Spiritual Awakening?
A spiritual emergency is an "emergence" of the spirit. It's different for everyone, but you may have had rapid insights, a desire to make drastic changes in your life, feelings or "knowings" that were difficult to communicate, a sense of unity with the universe, or generally felt like you just "woke up" to things.
A spiritual awakening may feel like a crisis. You might have thought you were going crazy. In our culture today, these kinds of experiences are commonly seen as psychotic breaks or mental illness, when they may actually be breakthroughs to healing. If this has happened to you in the past and you’d like support making sense of and processing what you experienced, please reach out to begin integrating your spiritual emergence.
*Unfortunately I am unable to provide an appropriate level of care for folks in the acute stages of crisis during a spiritual emergency. Medical interventions or hospitalization may be necessary in those cases to reach stabilization. Once there has been an extended period of stability and functioning (I suggest at least 6 months), I can then offer to assist with further processing and integration after a spiritual emergence experience.
Recover From Spiritual Trauma
If you grew up or spent time in a religious or spiritual environment that taught you to fear God, hate yourself, mistrust your own inner wisdom, silence yourself, or instilled a deep sense of shame, you’re not alone. This is a form of widespread emotional and psychological abuse. You might be suffering from complex trauma or a soul wound. I can help you re-claim your soul, reconnect with your truth, learn to love yourself, and cultivate your own unique relationship to a higher power.
Perhaps the worst aspect of spiritual and religious trauma is feeling like you’re bad, wrong, or cannot trust your own body or feelings. I will never tell you what to believe in - unless it’s yourself.
“I cannot tell you any spiritual truth that deep within you don’t know already. All I can do is remind you of what you have forgotten.”